Three Airbus A319 ACJ airliners (B-4090, 4091, 4092) have been flied by PLAAF 34th Division/China United Airlines as VIP transport aircraft. Recent images indicated that they are now formally painted with PLAAF Insignia and emblem similar to the Boeing 737-800 VIP transport operated by the same unit.
- Last Updated 7/8/19
Y-7G Coke
A PLAN Y-7G medium transport aircraft is shown here (S/N 98x7, 90x2, 81x3x). It is mainly used to transport military personnel between the Hainan Island and the Paracel Island in the South China Sea. The aircraft was developed by XAC based on the MA-60 airliner which can carry up to 60 passengers. A few were upgraded with an EO turret underneath the forward fuselage to improve flight safety in bad weathers. A small number of Y-7Gs are also in service with PLAAF SAR and transport regiment (S/N 55x1x, 53x2x?). Some have an IFF antenna mounted on the nose. Its export version is called MA-60 or MA-600, and is in service with air forces of several foreign countries. A recent image (September 2020) indicated PLAAF Y-7Gs started to carry a new yellow serial number on the vertical fin. A recent image (January 2022) indicated that the naval Y-7G started to carry a two digit code number on the vertical fin (S/N H30310xx).
A single Y-8C was recently converted by SAC/CFTE to an avionics and (turboprop) engine testbed. It features a modified solid nose and a large hexagonal EOTS station (?) underneath. A new turboprop engine, believed to be AEP500/WJ-10 (5,000kw class), was installed at the #2 engine station for easy observation by the crew. Additional modifications were seen on the tail cone. The WJ-10 engine, together with a new 6 or 8 blade propeller, is thought to be under development for the mysterious MA-700 passenger aircraft. It could also power the KJ-600 carrierborne AWACS as well as the proposed next-generation medium transport aircraft or tiltrotor aircraft in the future.

- Last Updated 7/18/23

- Last Updated 10/8/24