A PLAAF Y-20A was landing, wearing a dark blue paint scheme. This advanced 4-engine large transport has been under development since early 2000s at 603 Institute, XAC, CAC and SAC which appears similar to American C-17 and based upon some IL-76MD technology (see below). The development was accelerated after the large earthquake in 2008 in Sichuan Province. Assistance was sought from Antonov Design Bureau in 2008. Fitted with high-lifting devices along the wing leading and trailing edges plus six pairs of main landing wheels, Y-20A (K/JY20A) is capable of taking off from relatively short runways, making many airfields behind the battlefield accessible. Like C-17, it may also feature supercritical wings which give the aircraft a better fuel economy thus further extends its range. However so far no IFR probe was found onboard the aircraft. Other features include a four-crew glass cockpit with two HUDs and five large MFDs. A small FLIR (Enhanced Vision System/EVS) is installed below the forward windshield to assist taking off and landing under poor weather conditions. A dorsal SATCOM antenna is also seen behind the wings. The aircraft also features an FBW system. Four flare launchers installed on the side and bottom of the sponsons offer protection against IR-guided MAPADS. Overall Y-20A appears fatter and shorter than Il-76MD, bearing some resemblance to Japanese C-2 and Ukrainian An-70 transport. This suggests that its cargo bay dimension is a wider and taller, making it more versatile by being able to to carry a variety of oversize load, including up to multiple ZBD-03 IFVs, ZBD-04A IFVs, PLZ-07B SPHs and possibly a single ZTZ96A MBT. In addition a stretched variant is thought to be under development with a larger cargo space. The prototypes and the initial batches are powered by Russian D-30KP-2 low-bypass turbofan, then by the indigenous WS-18. Y-20A has been converted into a tanker (YY-20A, see below) replacing the obsolete H-6U. The head section of a full-scale metal mock-up of Y-20 was constructed by 2008. On August 20, 2009 SAC started to build the rear fuselage of the first prototype. It was reported in April 2010 that the full-scale mock-up was completed in early 2010. In January 2012 it was rumored that the airframe of the first prototype has been constructed, to be fitted with the avionics and engines. Three prototypes (00batch, 001 - 003) were constructed by 2013, with the 002 prototype being the static test airframe. The first low speed taxiing of prototype 20001 took place on December 21, 2012 at the CFTE airfield in Yanliang. The first flight took place on January 26, 2013. The 001 prototype (S/N 781) later wears a dark blue color scheme after being transferred to CFTE. The third prototype (S/N 783) made its maiden flight on December 16, 2013 and has been undergoing various tests at different locations. Additional prototypes were built and flew in 2015 including 785 and 788. The last prototype (789) flew for the first time on February 6, 2016. One Y-20A prototype (#7816?) was converted into an engine testbed, replacing the old Il-76SK. First flight took place in January 2023. It was reported in September 2015 that a pulse assembly line has been established at XAC and was ready for production. The R&D of Y-20A was reportedly completed by the end of 2015. The first two Y-20A (S/N 11051 & 11052, C/N 20xxx) were handed over to PLAAF at XAC on June 15, 2016. They were formally inducted to PLAAF on July 6, 2016. They were followed by 2 more (11053 & 11054) by the end of 2016. More Y-20As have been delievered to PLAAF (S/N 11x5x, 20x4x, 21x4x?). Some specifications: length 47m, wing span 50m, height 15m, normal range 4,500km, ferry range 7,500km, max speed 918km/h, service ceiling 13,000m, max payload 55t, max TO weight 200t. A recent image (September 2020) indicated that Y-20As started to wear new low visibility serial numbers and PLAAF insignias. A recent satellite image (December 2020) indicated that one Y-20A was deployed briefly to the Fiery Cross Reef, boosting China’s power project capacity in the South China Sea. Y-20A is expected to be replaced by the improved Y-20B (see below).

- Last Updated 9/24/23
Y-9/9H/E Claw
A PLAAF Y-9 (K/JY9) transport was landing. This design was first unveiled at the 11th Beijing Airshow in September 2005 as the next generation medium transport aircraft to replace the obsolete Y-8/An-12. It appears to have superseded the earlier Y-8-X project. The aircraft features a stretched cargo bay which can quickly load/unload a maximum of 20t containerized cargo, or airdrop 13.2t equipment or 98 paratroopers. However so far there has been no evidence that it can drop the ZBD-03 AFV. It has a four-crew glass cockpit featuring 6 color MFDs and EFIS. The aircraft is equipped with advanced communication, navigation, radar, EGWPS, collision avoidance systems to ensure safe flight under all weather conditions. Based on Y-8 "Category III Platform", Y-9 is powered by 4 WJ-6C turboprops (rated @ 5,100ehp each) with JL-4 6-blade high efficiency propellers made of composite materials, which improve its high temperature and high altitude performance. It also has solid nose and tail cone housing a weather radar and additional electronic equipment (including RWR antennas). Most Y-9s carry an EO turret (containing FLIR/TV) mounted underneath the nose for all weather/low altitude operation. Its horizontal tailplanes have additional small vertical stabilizers installed as well to improved its stability at low speed. Some specifications: max TO weight 65t, max payload 20t or 106 paratroopers, 15t payload range 2,200km, max range 5,000km, max level speed 650km/h, cruise speed 550km/h, service ceiling 10,100m, cruise altitude 8,000m. The development of Y-9 started officially in October 2005 and the construction of the first prototype (tail and head sections) started in 2006. However the project appeared to have been halted in 2007 due to shifting the production to the high priority High New series as well as the Y-8C transport aircraft. The development resumed in late 2008 after the two years of delay and the first prototype was believed to have made its maiden flight on November 5, 2010. At least one Y-9 prototype (#741) was tested at CFTE. The first Y-9 entered the service with PLAAF in 2012 (S/N 10x5x, 55x4x, 54x1x, 52x1x, 51x1x, 55x1x). The first Y-9 entered the service with PLA Army Aviation (Y-9A?) on December 22, 2016, the second on December 15, 2017. Compared with PLAAF Y-9, they lacked the RWR antennas in the nose and tail cone. Both were transferred to PLAAF (S/N 55411 & 55412) in early 2020. A recent video (December 2018) indicated a medivac variant (Y-9YL?) has entered the service with PLAAF (S/N 10250 & 10256). The EO turret underneath the nose of 10256 was removed. A recent image (February 2020) indicated Y-9 started to carry a new yellow serial number on its vertical fin. Another image released in June 2020 suggested that a naval variant (Y-9H? S/N H372206x, H302300x, H303102x) has been built. It is currently in service with PLAN wearing a light gray color scheme and a two digit code number. An export version of Y-9 was unveiled at the 2016 Zhuhai Airshow as Y-9E. Its first costumer is Namibian AF. Two Y-9Es were commissioned in December 2024. Y-9 is expected to be replaced by the new Y-30 transport aircraft.
- Last Updated 2/11/25
As the first generation tanker operated by PLAAF, H-6U (HY-6, K/JHU6?) was developed by Xian Aircraft Corporation in the early 90s based on H-6/Tu-16 bomber in order to support J-8D to gain air-superiority over South China Sea after clashes between Chinese and Vietnamese naval forces in the Spratlys in 1988 (Project 8911). The aircraft carries two underwing hose-and-drogue RDC-1 refueling pods and could refuel two J-8Ds simultaneously (a maximum of 6 J-8Ds can be refueled in one sortie). Additional signal and illumination lights are installed beneath the pod as well as on the fuselage for night refueling. The refueling operator is stationed in the tail gunner compartment. The aircraft features a solid nose housing a weather radar. New navigational (including INS, GPS & TACAN), EW (RWR & chaff/flare dispenser) and flight control systems were also installed. Night refueling was practiced in a very small scale and did not become routine. However it appears the refueling system is not NVG compatible. Two large fuel tanks have occupied the original internal bomb bay. However, compared to KC-135, H-6U's internal fuel capacity is fairly limited due to its original design as a medium-range bomber, and its loiter time is much shorter due to the high fuel consumption rate of two WP-8 turbojets. Its maximum fuel capacity is 34t, out of which 18.5t is available for refueling, but that number drops down to 10t at the maximum 2,200km radius. Nevertheless since it can cruise at a higher speed, it was chosen instead of Y-8/An-12 as the tanker to support J-8D. H-6U first flew in 1990 and the first in-flight refueling occurred in 1992 with modified J-8B. About two dozen H-6Us (S/N 10x9x) are in service with PLAAF. They are stationed in Southeast China facing Taiwan as well as South China Sea. Currently H-6U supports PLAAF JC-8F, J-10A/S, and J-10B/C fleet. However its refueling system appears incompatible with Su-30MKK imported from Russia or the indigenous J-16. H-6U is expected to be replaced by the new YY-20A (see below). Another recent image (March 2021) indicated that the PLAAF H-6U also started to carry a new yellow serial number on its vertical fin. The Navy also had a few of its H-6D maritime bombers converted into the tanker role (H-6DU, S/N 81x1x) in order to support its own JC-8F fleets. As the result the mid-wing pylons for the YJ-6 AShM were removed. A recent image (January 2021) indicated that some started to carry a new 2-digit serial number. The latest image (November 2023) suggested that the naval H-6DU might have been transferred to PLAAF, wearing low visibility insignias.
- Last Updated 2/24/25
A Y-12D light utility STOL aircraft was being boarded by paratroopers at a PLAAF airbase in southeast China. The first Y-12D (K/JY12D) reportedly entered the service with the PLAAF 13th Division in early 2015 with the expectation to replace the old Y-5/An-2 biplane in support of the PLAAF 15th Airborne Corps. The aircraft first wore a distinctive bright blue/white camouflage, but was later repainted with a more stealthy dark blue/gray camouflage. The aircraft may be powered by the indigenous WJ-9 turboprop engine (509kW) with a 4-blade propeller replacing the Canadian P&W PT6A. Military VHF/UHF as well as IFF antennas were installed. Additional equipment could be
installed in order to improve its survivability, such as FLIR, MAWS, RWR
and chaff/flare launcher. Around 10 paratroopers can be carried at a time. More Y-12Ds have entered the service wearing a dark blue/light gray color scheme (S/N 6x1x). The latest image (May 2021) indicated that Y-12D started to carry a new yellow serial number on its vertical fin. Y-12 is also being used to drop paratroopers by air forces of other countries such as Namibia and Kenya.
- Last Updated 6/28/21
YY-20A Kunpeng
As the second generation of indigenous tanker, YY-20A is expected to be in the same class of European A330 MRTT, replacing the old H-6U. A satellite image taken in November 2018 indicated that a YY-20A tanker prototype featuring two underwing hose-and-drogue refueling pods was built at XAC. The new RDC-3 refueling pod appears to be based on the RDC-1 refueling pods from the H-6U tanker. A third centerline refueling station was installed underneath the rear fuselage, which is probably designed for refueling large aircraft such as H-6N and KJ-500A. The center refueling hose appears thicker in diameter than the other two on both sides, suggesting a higher flow rate. A remote vision system (RVS) allowing the operator to control the refueling system remotely under all weather conditions were installed inside a small box fairing ahead of the refueling station. Multiple equally spaced white lines were painted along the rear fuselage in order to provide distance references and alignment to the approaching aircraft being refueled, especially large aircraft such as H-6N and KJ-500A. The rear edges of its sponsons have been redesigned in order to reduce turbulences immediately behind and below the aircraft. This design improves the safety of receiving aircraft as it approaches the centerline refueling station. Four flare launchers were installed on the side and bottom of sponsons as a self-protection measure against IR-guided MANPADS. YY-20A is expected to support the current and new generations of Chinese military aircraft including J-10A, J-10S, J-10C, J-15, J-16, Su-30MKK and J-20 fighter, H-6N strategic bomber, KJ-500A and the new KJ-3000 AWACS. Its normal refueling capacity is 75t. YY-20A does have a secondary transport role if its internal tanks are removed from the cargo bay. It’s first flight was reported to have occurred on January 6, 2023. The YY-20A prototype (#786 or 787) flew for the first time on December 5, 2018. Satellite images indicated at least two prototypes were built by July 2019. A recent image (August 2021) suggested that the first YY-20A has entered the service with the PLAAF 13th Division replacing the three Il-78s, wearing a low-visibility color scheme (C/N 10xx, S/N 2084x - 21040). One prototype (#787?) was also believed in service. Additional YY-20As are entering the service with PLAAF (S/N 2054x - 2074x). It was reported that the flying boom refueling technology is currently under development and could be tested onboard YY-20A in the future.
- Last Updated 2/28/25