Missiles I
An image released in September 2021 suggested that at least one type of standoff submunition dispenser has entered the service with PLAAF. The dispenser appears similar to American AGM-154 JSOW and is speculated to be in the 500kg class (similar to NORINCO GB-6). It is guided by Beidou and has a pair of folded wings on the back allowing it to reach the target by gliding. The new dispenser can be delivered by both JH-7A and J-16.
It has been rumored for a long time that Israel sold the Python-3 technology to China in the 80s, although this was never publicly acknowledged by either side. The result is PL-8 (K/AKK-8?), an all-aspect IR-guided AAM distinguished by its unique swept tail stabilizing fins and a large warhead (11kg). Several variants were developed, including the original PL-8, the improved PL-8A (with more domestic components) and the latest PL-8B. PL-8B
was first discovered in mid-2005 featuring a PL-9 style all-aspect InSb
seeker and a programmable digital processor, which offer a wider
off-boresight angle. Its range has been increased to 20km. The missile is also compatible with Chinese made HMS. Since then this version has replaced PL-8/8A. PL-8B has been
seen carried by J-10A/B/C, J-11B/BH, J-15, Su-30MK2, Su-30MKK, JL-9 and JH-7A. It was the primary WVR missile in PLAAF's arsenal until the new PL-10 enters the service (see below).
- Last Updated 10/14/24
A PL-10E AAM was on display in front of a PLAAF J-10B fighter at the 2016 Zhuhai Airshow. PL-10 (K/AKK-10?) is a new generation IIR-guided HOBS missile in the same class of AIM-9X, ASRAAM, A-Darter, AAM-5 and IRIS-T. It features an IIR seeker (containing a 128x128 focal plane array), a laser proximity fuze and TVC, giving the missile a 90° off-boresight angle and a max load of 55g. PL-10 possesses an excellent IRCCM capability against modern fighter aircraft maneuvering at high-gs. It also has a "lock-after-launch" capability, which could extend its range to BVR. When coupled with HMDS, the missile allows the pilot to engage a target over his shoulder without maneuvering the aircraft extensively. Similar to AAM-5 and IRIS-T, the latest design (circa 2013) features 4 enlarged tail control fins plus 4 narrow stabilizing strakes attached to the mid-section of the missile body, which help maintain missile's maneuverability at the terminal stage after the solid motor stops working. PL-10 has a length of 2.96m, diameter 0.16m, weight 105kg, max range 20km. The development of PL-10 started in 2005 at the 612 Institute with a different tail stabilizing fin design and a test round was launched from the ground in November 2008. The development was thought to be a success after the missile was test-fired from a CFTE J-11B in 2010, and subsequently it entered the initial production in 2013. PL-10 was seen carried by J-10A, J-10AH, J-10B/C, J-11BG, J-11BHG, and J-16 as well as internally by J-20 and J-31 stealth fighters, replacing PL-8B. PL-10 was offered for export as PL-10E at the 2016 Zhuhai Airshow. The first foreign customer is believed to be PAF JF-17C and J-10CE. In 2019 one intruding high altitude reconnaissance balloon was shot down by a PL-10 fired from a J-10C, marking its first kill in real combat. It was rumored that the next generation of short-range IIR-guided missile (PL-16
?) could be under development at the 612 Institute.
- Last Updated 3/7/25
A PLAAF J-16 was taking off carrying a PL-12 active radar homing AAM. PL-12 (K/AKK-12?) was under development at LETRI/607 Institute since early 90s. The missile was expected to be in the same class as AIM-120A/B and its active seeker may have evolved from the earlier AMR-1 design (R-129? based on Russian 9B-1348 seeker & datalink for R-77). Its tailfins appear to have fin tips as well as the leading edges of the fin root cropped. These specially designed tail control fins are believed to possess lower drag for greater speed and higher torque for better maneuverability. Two datalink antennas can be seen next to the nozzle for mid-course correction. Several dielectric strips are seen along the middle warhead section which house the radio proximity fuse. PL-12 completed its development test in December 2004 and was certified in 2005. Its export version is called SD-10 (SD-10A as the improved version) and was first revealed to the public during the 2002 Zhuhai Airshow. Currently it is in the service with J-10A/B/C, J-11B/BH, J-15, J-16, Su-30MK2 and Su-30MKK, In addition SD-10A is being carried by JF-17 currently in service with PAF. Some specifications of SD-10: length 3,850mm, diameter 203mm, wing span 674mm, weight 180kg, max g-load 38g, max speed 4M, range 60-70km. Recently produced PL-12 was expected to feature an improved seeker with new digital processor and SINS. It was reported in November 2010 that PL-12 may feature an active/passive dual mode seeker in order to achieve greater ECCM capability and kill probability. A recent image (July 2023) suggested that an improved variant called PL-12A was developed which is expected to be comparable to American AIM-120C5.
- Last Updated 10/14/24
was first rumored in 2011 that 612 Institute was developing the next generation of active radar homing LRAAM dubbed PL-15 replacing PL-12 which is comparable to
American AIM-120D. The missile was initially speculated as a PL-12 variant (PL-12C?) but it appears to be a new design. PL-15 features redesigned stabilizing
fins and tail control fins with smaller wingspans in order to fit into the internal weapon bay of
J-20 (up to 4). It is expected to be carried internally by J-35/FC-31 as well (up to 4). A major improvement of the missile is a new a dual pulse rocket motor which could extend its kinetic range up to 200km. Its two-way datalink+INS+Beidou+active radar seeker onboard will give it an excellent ECCM capability against severe jamming. A PL-15 prototype was first seen underneath the wing of a J-11B testbed in 2012. In 2013 PL-15 was first seen inside J-20's main internal weapon bay during its weapon integration tests. It was reported by US intelligence that PL-15 was successfully test-fired from a J-11B in 2015. In 2016 PL-15 started to be carried by J-10C, J-11B and by J-16 a year later. It was unveiled at the 2021 Zhuhai Airshow that PL-15 has been cleared for export as PL-15E. Its first customer is PAF's J-10CE and it is also expected to be carried by JF-17C. Some specifications (PL-15E): length 3996mm, diameter 203mm, weight 210kg, max range 145km (200km for PL-15). The latest image showed that a new version of PL-15E is on display at the 2024 Zhuhai Airshow. It features four narrow stabilizing strakes and folded tail control fins which allow additional missiles (up to 6) to be fitted inside the weapon bays of J-20 and J-35.
- Last Updated 3/7/25
YJ-83K is a turbojet powered AShM based on the YJ-83 SSM. YJ-83K (H/AKJ83) features a frequency agile radar seeker and has a sea-skimming capability. It also features datalink and has a range of 180km. Its cruising altitude is 20-30m (5-7m during terminal phase), cruising speed is 0.9M. It weights 715kg and carries a 165kg warhead. It was rumored that the missile could reach supersonic speed at the terminal stage but this turned out to be false. YJ-83K is being carried by the naval JH-7/JH-7A (up to 4), H-6G/L (up to 4), H-6J (up to 6) and J-15/J-15B (up to 2) as well as J-10C (up to 2) and J-16 (up to 4) in service PLAAF. A similar export version called C-802A was also developed and is being carried by PAF JF-17 as well as by MAF JF-17M. Iran reverse-engineered C-802 as Noor which can be carried by its F-4. C-802A c0uld also be carried by the new FC-31. An improved version called YJ-83KH has been developed featuring an IIR seeker. The latest images (September 2021) indicated that two new variants of YJ-83K have entered the service with PLAAF and PLAN with an enhanced anti-jamming capability. Between the two Type I (YJ-83KA?) features a small passive CCD TV/IIR seeker directly attached to the bottom of the head section while Type II (YJ-83KB?) features an integrated active radar/passive IIR dual mode seeker. Type II's export version was first unveiled at the 2021 Zhuhai Airshow as CM-802B (range 290km). The latest image (August 2024) suggested that JH-7A started to carry the training round of YJ-83K.
- Last Updated 1/4/25
A PLAAF J-16 was taking off carrying a YJ-91 ARM. Up to 6 Kh-31Ps can be carried by an Su-30MKK as a Wild Weasel aircraft. It can also be carried by the naval Su-30MK2. This supersonic missile is distinguished by 4 ramjet engines attached to its body which give the missile a range of 15-100km and a speed of Mach 3. It features an L112E passive seeker (with three interchangeable modules to cover different frequency bands) and its weight is 600kg with a 87kg warhead. The domestic version of Kh-31P has been produced locally under a license as YJ-91 (KR-1), which can be carried by JH-7A, J-10B, J-10C, J-15, J-15D, J-16, J-16D and even the new FC-31. The missile can be supported by the KL700A ECM pod which provides the radar frequency and location information. In addition, the anti-ship version (Kh-31A) was speculated to have been acquired and carried by the naval Su-30MK2 while its domestic counterpart (YJ-91A? H/AKJ91?) could be carried by the naval JH-7A, as well as the J-15 onboard aircraft carriers Liaoning and Shandong. The introduction of Kh-31/YJ-91 ARM has enabled PLAAF to fly SEAD missions against enemy long-range SAM defenses. The latest image (January 2025) suggested that JH-7A started to carry the training round of YJ-91.
- Last Updated 1/4/25
PL-90 (K/AKK90) is one of the smallest and lightest AAMs in the world developed specifically for helicopter self-defense against enemy helicopters and slow moving fixed-wing aircraft. A total of 8 PL-90s were seen carried by Z-9WA/WZ attack helicopter. Its length is 1,862mm, diameter 90mm, weight 20kg, warhead 3kg, range 500-6,000m, engage altitude 0-6,000m, max speed 2 Mach, max load 20g. It features a dual-band IR seeker with a good IRCCM property, giving the missile an all-aspect engage capability. It also features a laser proximity fuse as well. PL-90 appears to have been derived from shoulder-launched QW-1/2 SAM which is comparable to the American Stinger missile. Its export version was first revealed at the 1998 Zhuhai Airshow as TY-90. PL-90 entered the service with PLA Army Aviation in 2006. The missile can be carried by Z-9W/WA/WZ, Mi-17/Mi-171, Z-10 and Z-19. A recent image (June 2021) suggested that an improved variant (PL-90A/KK-90A) has entered the service with PLA Army. The missile features a redesigned forward control fins and a bigger diameter body housing a larger solid rocket engine. Consequently its speed/range and agility have been improved. PL-90A is expected to be carried by UCAV as well.
- Last Updated 9/8/24
As part of the Su-30MKK's weapon package, R-77/AA-12/RVV-AE active radar homing AAM has provided PLAAF for the first time with a real match to the AIM-120/MICA/TC-2 in service with Taiwanese AF. Its significance also lies with the development of new tactics and doctrines to allow PLAAF to engage enemy aircraft in a purely BVR and multi-target fashion, even though these tactics and doctrines took a few more years to mature. R-77 is distinguished by its four unconventional grid fins on its tail which give the missile an excellent agility. R-77 can also be carried by the upgraded Su-27UBK, J-11A as well as Navy's Su-30MK2. Some of R-77's technology was believed to have been adopted by the indigenous PL-12 (see above), which could eventually replace R-77. At least 400 R-77 have been ordered from Russia since the 2000s. Some specifications: length 3.6m, diameter 0.2m, weight 175kg, range 80/0.3km, max load 35g. With the delivery of Su-35S in 2017, PLAAF is believed to have acquired a new batch of R-77-1 (RVV-SD) AAMs, which is heavier (190kg) and longer (3.71m), and has a longer range (110km) than R-77. However it is still thought to be inferior to the latest Chinese design (PL-15).
- Last Updated 1/30/18