Surveillance Aircraft II

  • First exposed in February 2022,  a new EW variant of Y-9 (High New 17?) was seen undergoing test flights. It features an IFR probe mounted on top of the cabin and a long tail sting. Rectangular ELINT/ESM antennas are mounted on both sides of rear fuselage. In addition, the aircraft might be carrying a large EW antenna on its back. The exact role of this variant is still unknown.
  • A recent image (March 2022) suggested at least one PLAAF Y-7-100 transport (Y-7D? S/N 55019) has been converted to an EW aircraft, probably for the ELINT purpose.
  • A few Y-8Cs (Y-8CG or Y-8CD?) are converted with ECM antennas inside the enlarged nose and tail cones. Some have additional EW antennas inside a canoe shaped fairing underneath the forward fuselage. Others may have a large EO/IRST turret installed on the starboard side of the forward fuselage. A dorsal SATCOM antenna can be installed as well. Y-8CG has been in service with PLAAF since late 1990s (S/N 78x6x, 3x5x). 
ZDK-03/Y-8P Karakoram Eagle

ZDK-03 (Y-8P) is an AWACS aircraft developed for the Pakistani Air Force as part of the JF-17 supporting project initiated in the early 2000. A Y-8 AWACS testbed (S/N T0518/Y-8CE) based on Y-8 Category II Platform was first discovered at CFTE in early 2006. Unlike KJ-200, this variant carries a traditional rotodome on top of its fuselage, with a mechanically rotating antenna inside. The PESA radar is thought to scan electronically in elevation but mechanically in azimuth. Therefore the Y-8 AWACS was speculated to be developed for the export market only as it appears less advanced than KJ-200 which features a fixed AESA radar. However this design does provide a true 360° coverage and carry a cheaper price tag. The AEW radar is the product of the 38th Institute/CETC, but no details are available. The aircraft also features MAWS sensors on both sides of the nose and tail cone, and small vertical stabilizers attached to its tail planes. Additional fairings are seen at the wingtips and the tail housing ESM antennas. The Y-8 AWACS prototype flew to Pakistan and was evaluated by Pakistani AF in 2006. After some negotiations a much improved design was developed based on PAF's specifications. The variant is now named ZDK-03/Y-8P (ZDK means CETC) and is based on the new Y-8 Category III Platform featuring WJ-6C turboprops with 6-blade high efficiency propellers. It was reported in early 2009 that a total of 4 were ordered by PAF in a $278m contract. The first ZDK-03 prototype rolled out in November 2010 at SAC. Since then it has been undergoing test at CFTE (S/N 733). The first ZDK-03 (S/N 11-001) was delivered to PAF in December 2011. The 2nd (S/N 12-002, formerly 11-002) was delivered some time later. The third (S/N 13-003, formerly 12-003) was delivered in 2013. The delivery of the 4th (S/N 14-004) was delayed until February 2015, probably due to certain upgrades such as a new datalink. ZDK-03 is serving as the airborne command & control center for the JF-17 fighter fleet currently in service with PAF. However it does not have the secure NATO datalink installed to effectively command western fighter aircraft such as American F-16. Therefore ZDK-03 operates together with Saab-2000 in a "high-low" combination in order to coordinate various Chinese and western made combat aircraft effectively. Recent news (November 2018) suggested that an improved variant (ZDK-03A?) featuring a mechanically rotating AESA radar (KLC-7/B&R Eye from 14th Institute) has been  developed. A recent satellite image (June 2023) suggested that at least one PAF ZDK-03 (14-004?) was overhauled and possibly upgraded to the ZDK-03A standard at SAC.
- Last Updated 6/17/24

Y-9XZ High New 9

It was first reported in October 2012 that a new psychological operation (PSYOP) variant (High New 9/Y-9XZ) has been developed based on the Y-9 platform. The aircraft was rumored to have a new capability of hacking into enemy communication networks. Therefore it could be used to interrupt the internet traffic or spread false information and create chaos through social network within the enemy society by hacking into key web servers. The first Y-9XZ was believed to have entered the service with PLAAF in mid-2014 (S/N 31015) and expected to replace the earlier Y-8XZ. A least one more was built by mid-2017. The aircraft is similar to American EC-130J Commando Solo. A SATCOM antenna was later installed on top of mid-fuselage. Y-9XZ was unveiled during the military parade celebrating PRC's 70th anniversary on October 1, 2019. A recent video (July 2022) suggested that Y-9XZ started to carry a yellow serial number on its vertical fin. The latest video (December 2024) indicated that Y-9XZ conducted air patrols over the Spratlys in the South China Sea.
- Last Updated 12/30/24

KJ-500/500H/500A High New 10

After the success of KJ-200, the next generation medium-sized AWACS (KJ-500/High New 10) has been developed at SAC since late 2000s. Based on the Y-9 platform and some hardware of KJ-200, the original "balance beam" radar antenna was replaced by a fixed radome containing three AESA antennas arranged in a triangular configuration, a design similar to that of KJ-2000 in order to provide a full 360° coverage. The radar is a new digital array radar (DAR) utilizing direct digital synthesis (DDS) technology and is the product of the 38th Institute. As the result it is more capable than the tranditonal AESA radar onboard KJ-2000 and lighter and smaller enough to be carried by the Y-9 platform. Thus the aircraft is cheaper to produce and operate compared to KJ-2000. Rotodomes of different shapes were evaluated onboard a Y-8CE radar testbed, and a circular dish shape was selected as the final configuration. A SATCOM antenna has been integrated to the top of the rotodome as well. It also has large nose and tail radomes which could house additional radar antennas to cover both forward and rear hemispheres. Similar to High New 8, it features two large rectangular bar shaped fairings housing ESM/ELINT antennas (multi-baseline interferometers) on both sides of the rear fuselage. Therefore the aircraft can fly ELINT missions as well. Chaff/flare launchers are located underneath the rear fuselage. MAWS sensors were installed aft the cabin door and ahead of the tail cone of the naval KJ-500H. Like KJ-200, two additional ventral stabilizers were attached to the tail in order to further enhance the stability during the flight. Two KJ-500 prototypes (#737) were constructed by late 2013. The first batch of two KJ-500s entered the service with PLAAF at the end of 2014. Since 2015 its naval variant KJ-500H (H-500?) AWACS has also been in service with PLAN. Some started to carry a new 2-digit serial number since mid-2019 (S/N H20310xx, 0102, 03, 04, 05, 06, 0708, 09, 10, 1112, 131415). Currently more KJ-500s are being delivered to PLAAF (S/N 30072, 30073, 30074, 30075, 30076, 3007730078, 30079, 30170, 30171, 3017330175, 30176, 30177, 3017830179, 3027030271, 30370, 306763067755941, 55942, 55945). Several KJ-500s were deployed in Tibet after the Doklam standoff with India during summer 2017. A recent image (April 2018) indicated that a long endurance variant (KJ-500A, S/N 7310) with an IFR probe installed above the cockpit (port side) was undergoing test flight. A small camera and a night refueling lamp are installed beneath the probe. At least two were built/converted by August 2018. The first KJ-500A was rumored to be entering the service with PLAAF in late 2020, painted with low-visibility insignias (S/N 30470, 30471, 30473, 30474, 30476, 31117, 31210, 53151). KJ-500A is supported by the YY-20A tanker. A recent satellite image (May 2020) indicated that one KJ-500H was deployed to the Spratly Islands in the middle of South China Sea, along with a Y-8Q ASW aircraft. The latest image (October 2022) indicated that some KJ-500Hs started to wear low visibility insignias and "China Navy" characters. The latest rumor (December 2023) suggested that the KJ-500 is expected to be replaced by the new KJ-700 AWACS (see below).
- Last Updated 2/20/25

Y-9G High New 11

A picture taken in April 2014 indicated that a new communication jamming variant has been developed based on the Y-9 platform (Y-9G/YTG-9/High New 11?). It features a new chin radome plus three large oval and rectangular shaped antenna panels (next generation multi-baseline interferometers for DF purpose) along each side of the fuselage as well as two plate antennas attached to the vertical fin. As the result the small vertical stabilizing fins at the tip of horizontal tail planes were removed. An array of blade antennas can be seen under the fuselage as well as a small semi-spherical antenna underneath the wingtip. This suggests a powerful, sophisticated and comprehensive standoff electronic jamming (SOJ) system was installed to suppress enemy radar and communication, probably using the solid-state active phased array technology. By March 2021 at least 6 Y-9Gs were in service with PLAAF (S/N 31017, 31018, 31019, 31110). It has been speculated that Y-9G is being used by PLAAF as a "theater suppression" aircraft. Y-9G was unveiled during the military parade celebrating PRC's 70th anniversary on October 1, 2019. In mid-2020 the aircraft started to adopt a new yellow serial number on the vertical fin. A recent image (October 2020) indicated that Y-9G started to fly the ELINT/ECM missions near the Taiwan Strait. A recent satellite image (August 2021) indicated that one Y-9G was deployed briefly to the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. The latest image (April 2022) indicated that Y-9G started to fly ELINT/ECM missions in the western Pacific near Japan.
- Last Updated 5/7/23


It is believed that the 603 Institute/XAC have been developing the first generation of shipborne AWACS in a size and configuration (twin turboprop engines, rotodome, folding wings, quadruple tail fins) very similar to American E-2D. The AWACS, dubbed KJ-600 (H-600?), is based on the experience gained from the earlier JZY-01 technology demonstrator but appears slimmer and shorter. Due to its heavy weight and limited engine power, KJ-600 is designed to take off using a catapult only instead of a ski jump. The cockpit appears to have large rectangular shaped front and side windshields in order to provide a panoramic view for the pilots during takeoff and landing. An E-2D style “Y” shaped tail hook is thought to have been installed. The AWACS is expected to be powered by two AEP400 (WJ-X? 4,000kw class) turboprop engines with newly designed 6-blade high efficiency propellers, the same type of engine used onboard Y-9 medium transport. It is speculated to feature two back-to-back DAR antennas inside a rotodome in order to provide a full 360° coverage. This configuration suggests the attempt to maximize the antenna's length in a very constrained space inside the rotodome in order to achieve a longer detection range. The radar is reportedly to have been based on the KLC-7 developed by CETC 14th Institute. An additional forward radar antenna might have been installed inside a large nose radome to achieve a better look-down detection against sea skimming targets. A series of blade antennas for communications are mounted underneath the fuselage. A rectangular shaped ESM antenna is located on its tail. A SATCOM antenna is thought to have been fitted on top of the rotodome. It might carry a 5-member crew (pilot, co-pilot in the cockpit, RO, CICO, ACO in the cabin) similar to that of E-2D. An IFR probe might be mounted above the cockpit similar to that of KJ-500A in order to increase the endurance. A January 2017 image indicated that a full-scale mockup was built on land. Another image released in March 2024 indicated that another full-scale mockup was seen on the deck of Type 003 CATOBAR carrier Fujian. The maiden flight of KJ-600 60001/7101 prototype took place at XAC on August 29, 2020 without the radar. It was rumored in April 2021 that the 02 prototype (#7102) was built. Another rumor in June 2021 claimed that a “full standard” KJ-600 prototype (upgraded 02 prototype?) conducted its maiden flight on June 24, 2021. A satellite image taken in November 2021 suggested that two more prototypes (7103 & 7104?) were built at XAC. At least 6 KJ-600s have been undergoing various tests at XAC/CFTE. A satellite image released in January 2024 indicated that one KJ-600 prototype was undergoing launch tests from a land-based EMALS. A COD variant (KY-600?) similar to American C-2A has been speculated to be in development. A full-scale mockup was first seen onboard Fujian in March 2025.
- Last Updated 3/18/25

Y-9Z High New 12

This new ELINT variant of Y-9 High New series (Y-9Z/High New 12?) was first spotted by satellite at CFTE in November 2017. Similar to Y-9G, it features two large conformal rectangular shaped ESM/ELINT antennas (next generation multi-baseline interferometerson both sides of its rear fuselage. Additional antennas are installed throughout the aircraft. An oval dish shaped ESM antenna is installed on top of the vertical fin. A SATCOM antenna is installed on top of the mid-fuselage. An SAR antenna may have been installed underneath the forward fuselage. Several pipe shaped antennas were installed on the side of the fuselage, probably for PSYOP purpose. This suggests that Y-9Z could be a new generation of multi-mission EW aircraft capable of flying various special missions including ELINT, SAR surveillance, communication jamming and PSYOP. One prototype (S/N 745was seen undergoing test flight at CFTE. A recent image (February 2022) suggested that Y-9Z is in service with PLAAF (S/N 53155, 3077130772, 55747), carrying low-visibility insignias. Recent news (June 2023) indicated that Y-9Z started to fly ELINT missions in the western Pacific near Japan and Taiwan. 
- Last Updated 11/29/24

Y-9LG High New 13

This new ECM variant of Y-9 High New series (High New 13?) was first spotted by satellite at CFTE in December 2017. Initially it was thought to be an improved version of the KJ-200 AWACS due to the similar "balance beam" PAR configuration. However the latest speculation is that the aircraft actually serves as a radar jamming aircraft (dubbed Y-9LG/YLG-9?) using its powerful electronically steered radar beams to suppress enemy radar signals. Y-9LG appears to feature a SATCOM antenna on top of its forward fuselage, a forward EW antenna in a bigger nose cone, side-looking ESM/ELINT antennas (next generation multi-baseline interferometers) on its rear fuselage, an oval shape ESM antenna on top of its vertical fin. Additional ESM antennas are seen underneath the forward and rear fuselage. Y-9LG is thought to have been developed with the jamming of all major western AESA radars in mind, including AN/APG/77 and AN/APG-81. The first prototype was built by 2016. A recent image (February 2022) indicated that the first Y-9LG had been built for PLAAF and was being prepared for delivery. Another recent image (January 2023) suggested that Y-9LG is in service with PLAAF (S/N 20x7x? 30211, 30373, 53151). The latest satellite image (August 2024) indicated that at least one more Y-9LG had been built at SAC.
- Last Updated 12/31/24

Y-9T High New 14

It was first rumored in mid-2020 that a new communication relay variant of Y-9 (High New 14?) was being developed at SAC for PLAN. This special purpose variant, probably named Y-9T, has been speculated as a survivable TACAMO aircraft similar to American EC-130Q. Therefore it is thought to be capable of providing secure digital communications between the Central Military Commission (CMC) and PLAN's nuclear submarine fleet including Type 093 SSN and more importantly, Type 094 SSBN, during a possible nuclear warfare scenario. Like EC-130Q, Y-9T may have a VLF transmitter onboard and carry a short trailing wire antenna (STWA) released from a short tail sting. A second long VLF trailing wire antenna (LTWA) was installed below on the bottom of the tail section. Large conformal ESM antennas can be seen on both sides of the rear fuselage with additional ones at the wingtips. An oval dish shaped ESM antenna is also seen on top of the vertical fin. At least one prototype of Y-9T already flew in 2020. A newly built Y-9T was spotted at SAC by a satellite in August 2024, suggesting that the aircraft is likely to enter the service with PLAN in the near future.
- Last Updated 9/24/24

Y-9FQ High New 15

It was first rumored in mid-2020 that the next generation ASW aircraft (Y-9FQ/High New 15?) based on Y-8FQ was being developed at SAC for PLAN. The overall layout of Y-9FQ is similar to that of Y-8FQ. The aircraft might feature a new multi-mode (including AA, AG, SAR etc.) AESA radar inside a large, redesigned nose, replacing the original surface search radar and weather radar onboard Y-8FQ. Two air intakes are located behind the nose in order to provide sufficient cooling air for the AESA radar. A SATCOM antenna is fitted on top of the mid-fuselage and ESM antennas are attached to the wingtips, similar to American AN/ALR-77. A shorter MAD sting has been installed on the tail. A rear-facing surface search radar might have been installed right beneath the MAD sting. MAWS sensors of a new type are installed on the front fuselage as well as on the tail. Y-9FQ is expected to carry a new type of ASW torpedo inside its bomb bay (up to 4) and possibly AShMs under its wings, in order to boost its firepower against surface and underwater targets. First flight of Y-9FQ was rumored to have taken place in November 2020. Four prototypes were evaluated at CFTE. The latest report (August 2022) suggested that Y-9FQ is in production at SAC. The latest image (April 2023) suggested that Y-9FQ is in service with PLAN. Satellite image indicated that at least two were in service with PLAN Southern Fleet in January 2023. Current more are being constructed at SAC.
- Last Updated 3/15/25

KJ-700/700H High New 16

It was first rumored in mid-2023 that a new variant of the High New series (High New 16?) was under development which was believed to be the next generation medium AWACS aircraft (dubbed KJ-700?). The aircraft features a dual band (L/VHF?) airborne early warning radar system with two back-to-back DAR antennas similar to the one onboard KJ-600 inside a rotodome with a SATCOM/datalink antenna on its top. KJ-700 has large rectangular shaped ELINT/ESM antennas/side-looking anti-stealth AESA radar on the rear fuselages plus additional EW antennas inside the wingtips and the tail cone. More significantly, it appears that multiple EO windows might have been installed at the bottoms of the nose cone. It was speculated that they are part of a long-range EO/IR tracking system (including large aperture CCD cameras, IIR cameras and a powerful laser rangefinder) against small and stealthy aircraft/UAVs/missiles (including both ballistic and cruise missiles). Consequently KJ-700 is believed to have become the first dual mode AWACS aircraft in the world with powerful anti-stealth and anti-missile capabilities. An IFR probe is thought to be installed on top of its cabin in the future to extend its endurance. One prototype was first seen by a satellite at the SAC airfield in December 2020. Two more KJ-700s were seen by a satellite in June 2023. The latest image (June 2024) suggested that its naval version (KJ-700H?) has first entered the service with PLAN in Northeastern China facing South Korea and Japan. The naval KJ-700H could also be used to monitor North Korea’s ballistic missile launch activities.
- Last Updated 8/7/24


For years (since 2016) it has been rumored that the next generation large AWACS (KJ-3000?) to replace KJ-2000 could be under development at XAC. A wind tunnel model released in December 2022 suggested a design based on Y-20B featuring a large bulge on top of the head section and underneath the forward fuselage as well as smaller fairings on the leading edges of the sponsons. However, instead of carrying a KJ-2000 style radome with three smaller fixed AESA antennas inside, KJ-3000 is more likely to feature a rotodome housing two large back-to-back dual band (L/VHF?) digital array radar (DAR) antennas. Side-looking anti-stealth AESA radar integrated with ELINT/ESM antennas may have been installed on both sides of the rear fuselage, similar to those onboard KJ-700 (see above). Additional radar/EW antennas may have been installed inside the nose and tail cones. An IFR probe mounted on top of the cockpit is also expected to extend its loiter time when the aircraft is supported by the YY-20A tanker. The latest rumor (December 2024) claimed that a KJ-3000 prototype flew first time on November 29, 2024, powered by four WS-20 turbofans. Similar to its predecessor, KJ-3000 may also have two ventral stabilizing fins attached to its tail in order to maintain stability. Similar to KJ-700, KJ-3000 is believed to possess strong anti-stealth anti-ballistic missile capabilities. It also has a strong command and control capability over both manned and unmanned combat aircraft.
- Last Updated 2/24/25