Helicopters III

It was rumored in March 2023 that 602/Changhe was developing a high speed helicopter featuring a rigid coaxial rotor/pusher propeller design similar to that of American SB-1. A prototype presumably flew for the first time in December 2023. This helicopter might serve as the base for the next generation high speed attack helicopter. A recent video (May 2021) suggested that 602/Changhe might be developing the next generation medium transport helicopter following the Z-20 design. The helicopter could feature multiple stealth measures to reduce its radar, IR and acoustic signatures. It was also rumored in July 2023 that 602/Changhe is developing an advanced heavy lift helicopter (AHL) following the termination of an earlier Sino-Russian joint project. 

Z-18Y White Heron

It was reported in early 2010s that the 602 Institute/Changhe were developing a new shipborne medium transport helicopter (Z-18Y) to replace the old Z-8. The helicopter is thought to be based on the earlier AC313 design and features a redesigned lower fuselage and imported PT6B-67A turboshafts, resulting in a larger internal space and a bigger load, as well as a better performance at higher altitude and temperature. It also features a nosed mounted weather radar and FLIR/TV turret. Additional communication and navigation antennas are installed underneath the fuselage. A SATCOM antenna was installed on top of the tail boom. Both the rotor blades and the tail boom can be folded in order to save parking space onboard the ship. Z-18Y has entered the service with PLAN (code # 80, 81, 82, 383) and is currently stationed onboard the aircraft carriers Liaoning and Shandong for crew transportation. Additional variants have been developed for PLAN including an ASW/anti-ship variant and an AEW variant (see below). A recent video (May 2022) indicated that Z-18Y was evaluated onboard the Hainan LHD. The latest video (January 2023) indicated that additional Z-18Ys started to carry a two-digit code number (15, 1617, 18).
- Last updated 8/14/24

Z-18J/A Bat

A PLAN Z-18J AEW helicopter belonging to the Liaoning CVBG was patrolling with the surveillance radar antenna fully extended downwards. The helicopter features a retractable radar antenna located inside a completely redesigned rear fuselage. The radar is thought to be a long-range multi-mode AESA developed by the 38th Institute (detection range ~200km). Once the helicopter is in the air, the rear door opens and the rotating antenna is lowered vertically and can provide 360° coverage. The antenna is then retracted into the fuselage after the operation. The design of Z-18J appears similar to French AS-532 Horizon battlefield surveillance helicopter. Similar to Z-18Y, a FLIR turret is mounted underneath the nose for night and poor weather operations. Additional antennas for MAWS and RWR are mounted on the nose and rear fuselage as well. Chaff/flare launchers were installed in the floats. A Z-18J prototype was first spotted near CHAIC in 2009 with the radar antenna being carried externally. At least three are stationed onboard the aircraft carrier Liaoning (S/N 300, 301, 02). As the result its rotor blades and tail boom can be folded to save parking space. More Z-18Js are being acquired for the aircraft carrier Shandong as  well as the Hainan LHD. However due to the limited payload and internal space of Z-18J, its performance cannot match that of a fix-wing shipborne AWACS aircraft with a full C3I capability. Therefore Z-18J is a stop-gap measure until a fix-wing AWACS aircraft (e.g. KJ-600) enters the service. Besides AEW, the helicopter has a hoist mounted on the starboard side of the forward fuselage for SAR purpose. A recent image (December 2021) suggested that an improved variant (Z-18A, code 07, 08, 09, 10) is in service onboard Shandong featuring a Z-8C style engine/gearbox compartment which houses three domestic engines (WZ-6C). Recent images (December 2022, November 2023) suggested that both Z-18J and Z-18A have been wearing low visibility insignias. Some have been upgraded with SATCOM antennas and CPIs installed on the booms.
- Last Updated 3/19/25

Z-18F/FA Sea Eagle

First seen in February 2014, Z-18F is an ASW/anti-ship variant based on the Z-18Y transport helicopter. It features a large surface search radar under its nose and consequently the FLIR/TV turret was relocated to the starboard side. It is believed to carry a new LF dipping sonar through a round opening in the bottom of the fuselage. MAWS and RWR antennas are installed on the forward and rear fuselage. Additional communication and navigation antennas are installed on the bottom of fuselage. The helicopter also has 4 pylons installed on both sides of fuselage possibly for carrying Yu-7K torpedoes and AShMs (e.g. YJ-9). 30 small openings are positioned along its rear loading ramp for dropping sonobuoys. Two prototypes were built (01 & 02) and went through various tests. One Z-18F (01?) prototype was spotted onboard the aircraft carrier Liaoning in January 2017. Recent images (June 2019) suggested that Z-18F has been in service onboard the aircraft carrier Liaoning (S/N 30, 331, 332333, 34). At least one is equipped with a SATCOM antenna on the boom. Another recent image (November 2019) indicated that a new variant (Z-18FA) was being developed at Changhe, featuring a Z-8C style engine/gearbox compartment with three domestic engines (WZ-6C) inside (code #363738, 40, 4143). At least one is equipped with a SATCOM antenna on the boom. It also carries a low-visibility two-digit code number and insignia. Z-18F was evaluated onboard the Hainan LHD in October 2021. A recent video (January 2022) suggested that an improved version (Z-18FG?) was being evaluated onboard Liaoning. It is painted in a dark blue color scheme and features a new search radar on its chin. The helicopter also appears to have small side pylons for carrying light ASW torpedoes or AShMs. Currently both Z-18F and Z-18FA are stationed onboard the Hainan LHD.
- Last updated 3/19/25


Since late 2014 PLA Army has been evaluating its own version of Z-18Y (Z-8G G: Plateau) for high altitude operations in Tibet. The helicopter is also powered by the imported PT6B-67A turboshafts. Its range is about 1,000km. Compared to the naval Z-18Y, the Army version has a further protruding nose section which resembles that of Russian Mi-171E and should reduce the drag during the flight. It features a glass cockpit, and a terrain following radar mounted under the nose. It also has a SATCOM antenna as well as Beidou/GPS antennas installed on top of the tail boom for long range communication. Z-8G is expected to replace Z-8A/B currently in service with PLA Army. A video released in January 2018 indicated that Z-8G has entered the service with PLA Army with or without the SATCOM antenna on top of the tail boom (S/N LH 9538xx, 9118xx, 9828xx, 9718xx, 9218xx). Another video (March 2021) indicated that some Z-8Gs feature flare/chaff launchers plus MAWS, RWR and/or LWR sensors on the rear fuselage and sponsons for special operation purposes. They also have armor plates installed beneath the cockpit window for extra protection. A recent video (March 2021) indicated that some Z-8Gs have a 12.7mm machine gun (QJH001) installed inside the side loading door to provide a limited air-to-ground suppressing fire power. A recent image (February 2022) suggested an ECM variant (Z-8GD?) for the battlefield electronic jamming purpose similar to Russian Mi-8PPA is being developed. It features large cylindrical antennas mounted on both sides of the mid-fuselage. Additional antennas/self-protection sensors are installed underneath the fuselage and on the sponsons. Consequently the terrain following radar under the nose has been removed. Currently Z-8GD is believed to be in service with the Army. The latest image (August 2022) suggested that an airborne command post variant (Z-8ZH?) has entered the service with the Army. It feature a retractable battlefield surveillance SAR radar inside its rear fuselage similar to Z-18J. Additional ESM antennas are also mounted on the forward and rear fuselage. Z-8ZH is expected to replace the old Mi-171ZH airborne command post. A recent video (April 2024) indicated that the army Z-8G was evaluated onboard a Type 075 LHD. The latest image (December 2024) suggested that Z-8G is test flying with the domestic WZ-6C engine.
- Last updated 12/6/24


This newest wide-body variant of Z-8G (Z-8L) flew for the first time at the end of 2017. The helicopter appears to share some similarities with the European NH-90 and American S-92 featuring large sponsons (housing fuel tanks) on both sides of the fuselage. Consequently its internal cargo space has been increased as the internal fuel tanks underneath the floor were relocated. The helicopter appears lower in height thus more streamlined in length. For frontline transport purposes some Z-8Ls feature RWR and MAWS sensors mounted on both sides of its forward fuselage, a roof mounted FLIR, a terrain following radar beneath the nose cone. LWR and RWR sensors plus flare launchers have been installed on the sides of sponsons which provide self-protection against IR guided MANPADS. A SATCOM antenna was also installed on top of the tail boom. At least two prototypes (PT01 & PT02) were built. Recent news (April 2020) indicated that Z-8L completed the high altitude tests. Currently dozens of Z-8Ls had been in service with PLA Army Aviation (S/N 9538xx, 9828xx). A recent image (July 2022) suggested that Z-8L's PT6B-67A engines are being replaced by the indigenous WZ-6C engines. A recent image (March 2023) suggested that a shipborne variant (Z-8D?) is being developed at Changhe. The helicopter is powered by the indigenous WZ-6C turboshafts and wearing a naval light gray color scheme as well as a low visibility insignia. Similar to Z-8L, it is also protected by a full suite of self-defense measures including RWA, LWA, MAWS, chaff/flare launchers plus four inflatable floats. This large transport helicopter is expected to be stationed onboard Type 075 LHD flying air assault missions during amphibious landing operations along with the smaller Z-8C and Z-20J (see below). At least one prototype (#662) was built.
- Last updated 3/15/25

Z-20/20T Dragon in the Clouds

This new general purpose "China Medium Helicopter" (CMH) in the 10t class had been under development at 602/Harbin/Changhe since late 90s. It was speculated to be based on American S-70C previously in service with PLA but also shares some common features with Z-10, such as a five-blade main rotor and twin Canadian PT6C-76C engines. However the project was delayed by the development of high priority Z-10 attack helicopter. Similar to Z-10, the helicopter also suffered several setbacks due to certain technical/political obstacles, such as obtaining a suitable engine as well as developing a new transmission system (with Eurocopter assistance). The project (later designated as Z-20, K/JZ20) finally gained full speed after Z-10 was put into production in 2010. The helicopter features a glass cockpit with at least 5 MFDs. Shoulder armor plates were installed to protect the pilots. It also features a box shaped PNVS mounted underneath the chin controlled by pilot's HMD and twin RWR antennas on both sides of the forward and rear fuselage. LWR sensors have been installed on both sides of the nose with ECM antennas on the top. A new IFF antenna was installed on the cockpit roof. A weather radar and a terrain following radar were integrated in the nose. A SATCOM antenna, two pairs of chaff/flare dispensers plus a Beidou antenna were installed on the tail boom. An FBW flight control system was installed. Active noise/vibration reduction technology was used. The helicopter is also powered by two WZ-10 turboshaft engines (~1,600kW). Therefore Z-20 possesses strong capabilities in terms of communication, navigation and self-protection, making it more survivable on the battlefield than the Mi-17 series. Z-20 is expected to have a bigger cargo space and a higher fuel capacity than S-70C. Its range can be further extended by installing a removable internal fuel tankIt also possesses an excellent capability of operating at high altitude over Tibet. Normally up to 13 fully armed soldiers can be carried. In addition, it can carry a fuel tank internally in the cargo bay area to further extend its range. The helicopter may have external stub wings installed in the future for carrying air-to-surface weapons such as rocket pods, machine gun pods and ATGMs. Z-20 is projected to replace eventually the large number of Russian Mi-17 series in service with the Army Aviation. The first prototype was rumored to have rolled down the assembly line in December 2012. However the exact type of engine used on the prototype was unclear. The Z-20 #20001 prototype made its first flight at the HAIG airfield on December 23, 2013, almost 30 years after China first acquired S-70C. At least 4 prototypes (#632, 633, 635, 636) are being tested at CFTE. Z-20 was speculated to have entered the initial production in 2018. Recent images (May 2019) suggested that Z-20 has entered the service with PLA Army (S/N 9532xx, 9822xx, 9212xx, 9712xx, 9912xx, 9922xx, 9112xx, 9512xx, 9812xx, 9932xx), wearing a dark green color scheme and with a smaller SATCOM antenna. A recent image (December 2020) suggested that an assault variant (Z-20T) similar to American MH-60L has been undergoing test flight while carrying KD-9/10 ATGMs and fuel tanks under the stub wings. It also features an additional TADS on its nose and consequently the weather radar was removed. A recent video (February 2021) indicated a new batch of Z-20s have engine exhausts facing upward to reduce their IR signature. They also carry a two-digit code number of unknown purpose. A recent video (January 2022) suggested an SAR variant (Z-20S? S/N 9532xx) is in service with the Army Aviation. It has an EO turret and a search light mounted under the forward fuselage. A hoist was installed above the cabin door. A crash position indicator (CPI) was installed underneath the tail boom for over the water operations. New ECM antennas was installed above the LWR. Essential medical equipment was also installed inside the cabin. A recent image (March 2022) suggested that the #632 prototype has been modified into an "Integrated RF Testbed" featuring a strip of conformal multifunctional phased array antenna mounted on its rear fuselage and tail boom. The testbed could later evolve into a dedicated EW helicopter. It was reported in May 2022 that an IFR system has been under development at the 602 Institute for Z-20 to further extend its range, with the probe attached to the starboard side of the forward fuselage similar to American MH-60L. The tanker is speculated to be a modified Y-9 transport (Y-9U?). A recent image (November 2023) suggested that the army Z-20s conducted joint amphibious assault exercises with a naval Type 075 LHD. Another recent image (May 2024) indicated that the Z-20T assault helicopter has entered the service with the Army (S/N 9532xx, 9712xx?).
- Last updated 3/23/25

Z-20KA/KS Dragon in the Clouds

In May 2022 it was unveiled that a transport variant has been in the service with the PLAAF airborne assault units as Z-20KA (S/N 6x2x), wearing a light gray camouflage and low visibility markings. Another image released in July 2022 indicated that an SAR variant dubbed Z-20KS (S/N 660x55x1x51x1x, 54x1x, 52x1x) also entered the service with PLAAF transport/SAR units, including the PLAAF garrison stationed in Hong Kong. It has an EO turret, a loudspeaker and a search light mounted under the forward fuselage. The latest image (October 2024) suggested that an improved Z-20KA (Z-20KB? S/N 6x2x) has entered the service with an enhanced amphibious assault capability. It features a bigger SATCOM antenna on top of the tail boom, and crash position indicator (CPI) on the bottom. In addition, the horizontal tailplanes appear similar to those of Z-20F/J (see below), suggesting they may be foldable, and the fairing above the tailwheel has been removed. The redesigned tail section suggests that Z-20KB could be airlifted by Y-9/Y-20 for rapid deployments.
- Last update 10/31/24


It was first rumored in January 2019 that a shipborne ASW variant (Z-20F, H/JZ20F) similar to American MH-60R was being developed for PLAN and a prototype flew for the first time in late 2018. It features electronic folding rotor blades and the tail boom, fiber optic communication network, integrated RF system and emergency flotation system (front & back airbags). As the result, the rear landing gear was relocated forward to the rear end of the fuselage. The horizontal tailplanes were reshaped as well so that they can be folded upwards. Z-20F also features a redesigned nose, a new cylindrical EO/LR turret in front of the nose, a surface search radar antenna underneath the chin, a round observation window behind the cockpit, a new SATCOM antenna on top of the tail boom, a crash position indicator (CPI) and a UHF/VHF antenna under the tail boom. RWR and/or MAWS sensors might have been installed on both sides of the nose as well as the real fuselage. Rectangular ESM/ELINT antennas similar to Israeli AES-210 are installed on both sides of the nose as well as the rear fuselage. A 25-round sonobuoy box launcher with a cover is installed on the port side of the fuselage. A dipping sonar could be lowered from a round opening in the belly. A hoister is installed outside the right engine compartment for SAR purpose. Flare launchers may have been installed on the tail boom. Z-20F could carry two YJ-9 short-range AShMs under the forward stub wing pylons and two light ASW torpedoes (Yu-11K?) under the rear fuselage pylons. In addition, up to 8 "smart" depth charges can be carried under both forward and rear pylons. Z-20F is expected to be stationed onboard the Type 055 DDG, replacing the old Z-9C ASW helicopter. At least 5 prototypes (S/N 6221, 62226223, 6225) have been built. The latest image (January 2024) indicated that Z-20F started to wear low visibility insignias and "China Navy" characters, suggesting the helicopter is finally ready to enter the service. Besides the ASW variant, a shipborne transport and assault variant (Z-20J) is also under development. It may carry short-range AShMs (up to 8 KD-9s or 2 YJ-9s) under the stub wing pylons against small surface ships or FACs. MAWS sensors have been installed on both sides of the chin as well as the real fuselage. At least 4 prototypes were built (S/N 62116212, 62136215). Z-20J is expected to be stationed onboard the Type 075 LHD and Type 055 DDG. It is believed to have entered the service with PLAN in mid-2024, wearing a two-digit code number (S/N H50731xx). Z-20J was officiallyh unveiled at the 2024 Zhuhai Airshow.
- Last updated 11/13/24


The first glimpse of a new heavy attack helicopter (Z-21?) in the same class of American AH-64 and Russian Mi-28 was released in March 2024. This project is believed to have been progressing at 602/Changhe/Hafei for some years following the development of Z-20 (~2018). Consequently its power plant (WZ-10) and rotor systems are speculated to have been borrowed directly from Z-20 in order to speed up the development and reduce the risk/cost. It also shares an almost identical tail section with Z-20 but the fuselage appears much slimmer in order to adopt an Apache style tandem cockpit configuration. The helicopter features an oversized AH-64 style cheek fairings which house various avionics and protect the cockpit. Integrated rectangular MAWS/LWR/ESM/ECM antennas are installed on the front and rear of the fairings. New PNVS and TADS are installed on or beneath the nose. An MMW search radar could be mounted on top of the mast. A Beidou antenna is installed on top of the boom. Chaff/flare launchers are mounted on both sides of the cheek fairings as well as the boom. The engine exhausts on at least one prototype appear to face upwards in order to reduce its IR signature. A 23mm gun is installed underneath the forward fuselage instead of the nose to yield more space to the EO devices underneath the nose and to reduce vibration. Each of the two Mi-28 style stub wings has three weapon stations underneath. Besides PL-90, new types of AAM including PL-10 may be carried at the wingtip. Laser power DIRCMs are also installed at the wingtips. As Army’s first 10t class attack helicopter, Z-21 is expected to enter the service in a relatively fast pace within 2-3 years. Compared with the smaller Z-10, Z-21 is believed to have a better high altitude performance and a stronger armor protection, while carrying a heavier payload. First flight was rumored to have occurred in January 2024. Currently at least two Z-21 prototypes (S/N 6232, 6233) are undergoing various flight tests at Changhe. Additional prototypes may have been built.
- Last updated 12/6/24