Helicopters I

Z-8J/S/JH Super Frelon

Z-8 is a land or ship based ASW/SAR helicopter based upon French SA-321Ja Super Frelon (13 were bought in the late 70s). The helicopter was developed in the 80s by Changhe Aircraft Industrial Corporation (CHAIC) and gave the Chinese valuable experience of building a medium-sized helicopter. Its maximum TO weight is 13t, cruise speed 248km/hr, ferry range 1,400km, service ceiling 3,050m. Its power plant are 3 WZ-6 turboshafts. For ASW mission, Z-8 is equipped with a surface search radar, French HS-12 dipping sonar while carrying a Whitehead A244S/ET52 torpedo under the starboard side of the fuselage. It might also carry YJ-83K ASMs for anti-ship mission. Several variants were developed for PLAN including Z-8J ( (H/JZ8J, S/N 95x6, 95x7) transport helicopter which was first introduced in 2002. A naval SAR version called Z-8S (S/N 91x7) with upgraded avionics and a search light, a FLIR turret and a hoist first flew on December 25, 2004. At least two have been delivered to PLAN. Eventually most Z-8Js have been upgraded to the Z-8S standard. Another SAR variant with dedicated medical equipment onboard was also developed for the Navy as Z-8JH (S/N 95x6). Four are in service with PLAN. Some were installed with a nose FLIR turret and additional external pylons to carry rocket and gun pods for anti-piracy operations. Recent image (September 2018) indicated a crash position indicator (CPI) was installed under Z-8J/JH's tail boom. At least two Z-8Js (S/N 9566, 9576) and two Z-8JHs (S/N 9516, 9546) were seen onboard the aircraft carrier Liaoning for the SAR purpose. Z-8J was also evaluated onboard the Hainan LHD in early 2022. A recent image (April 2023) indicated that Z-8J started to carry a two-digit code number, a low visibility insignia and "China Navy" characters. It also has protecive meshes installed in front of the engine inlets to prevent FODs. The latest image (June 2023) indicated that Z-8JH also started to carry a two-digit code number and "China Navy" characters. The naval Z-8 series is expected to be replaced by the improved Z-8C (see below). 
- Last Updated 7/14/23

Z-8C/CJ Super Frelon

It was first reported in September 2016 that an improved transport/training variant (Z-8C/CJ, S/N 84x0x, H57240xx) was being developed for PLAN which features a chin mounted weather radar, FLIR, a PNVS above the cockpit, a search light, a stretched engine compartment aft the main rotor for the indigenous WZ-6C turboshaft plus a crash position indicator (CPI) installed under its tail boom. Currently Z-8C is in service with the Marines while Z-8CJ is with the Naval Aviation University. Z-8C is also the primary transport helicopter stationed onboard the Type 075 LHD. A recent image (May 2020) indicated that some Z-8CJs started to carry a new two-digit code number. Another recent image (August 2021) indicated that Z-8CJ conducted training missions onboard the aircraft carrier Liaoning. A recent image (November 2022) indicated that Z-8C started to wear low visibility insignias. The latest image (October 2023) indicated that protective meshes to prevent FODs have been installed in front of the engine inlets. Z-8C is expected to be on public display at the 2024 Zhuhai Airshow.
- Last Updated 11/8/24

Z-8K/KA/KH Super Frelon

In 2007 PLAAF started to acquire dozens of improved Z-8K (S/N 55x1x, 54x1x, 53x2x, 52x1x51x1x) SAR helicopters and Z-8KA (S/N 6x9x, 6x6x, 6x2x, 6x3x) transport helicopters for downed pilots or paratroopers. These specialized variants are equipped with a FLIR turret and a search light underneath the cabin, RWR antennas on both sides of the nose, plus chaff/flare launchers, a hoist and a crash position indicator (CPI) attached to the fuselage. Many are fitted with small terrain following radars under the noses. Z-8K/KA also features a glass cockpit. Another variant dubbed Z-8KH was developed for the PLAAF garrison stationed in Hong Kong, which has chaff/flare launchers installed in the floats. Four were delivered in early 2010. In mid-2022 they were replaced by the new Z-20KH and are now flying SAR missions with PLAAF (S/N 55x1x). At least one Z-8K was seem in light gray color scheme as well as low visibility insignias replacing the old maritime camouflage in late 2024. The latest image (December 2024) indicated that some Z-8K/KAs have been upgraded with a SATCOM antenna on the boom, a CPI on the side of rear fuselage, chaff/flare dispensers in the float, and a new search light outside the cockpit (S/N 55x1x).
- Last Updated 2/20/25

Z-8B Super Frelon

Since 2011 PLA Army has acquired a number of the improved Z-8B transport helicopters (K/JZ8B, S/N LH9128xx, 9908xx, 9638xx, 9528xx, 9828xx, 9918xx, 9938xx?) similar to Z-8KH but with the floats removed to reduce weight. A new glass cockpit similar to AC313 has been installed. Z-8B is thought to be powered by the imported PT6B-67A turboshaft. It appears that Z-8B has become a major component of PLA Army's transport helicopter fleet. Recent images (July 2015) indicated that some Z-8Bs have the floats reinstalled to improve its survivability over the water. Its range can be further extended with a fuel tank installed inside the cargo bay. A recent image (February 2017) indicated that a few Z-8Bs have been upgraded with a SATCOM antenna installed on top of the tail boom. Another recent image (January 2020) indicated that a special operation version of Z-8B has been developed equipped with Z-20 style RWR, LWR and MAWS sensors as well as flare launchers. The side windshields can also be protected against ground AAA fire by attaching external ceramic armor plates. The army Z-8B is expected to be replaced by the new Z-8G. Some Z-8Bs have been upgraded with domestic WZ-6C engines, with or without RWR, LWR, MAWS, armor plates and flare dispensers (Z-8BG?). Some Z-8BGs have since been upgraded with a SATCOM antenna on the boom, plus an EO turret and a terrain following radar under the nose. Protective meshes to prevent FODs are also installed in front of the engine inlets. A small pylon may have been installed on the starboard side of the fuselage.
- Last Updated 12/11/24

Z-9A/B/Z-9E (AS-365N) Dauphin

An Army Z-9A light transport helicopter was performing a hovering routine. The initial batches of AS-365Ns license-built by Harbin Aircraft Industrial Group (HAIG) in the 90s were used mainly as transport helicopters (can carry up to 8 soldiers). However as a large number of bigger and more versatile Mi-17/171 medium transport helicopters were imported from Russia, Z-9A has become Army's primary utility helicopter for training (S/N 9059xx, 9069xx). Based on Z-9A, the improved Z-9B used 72% indigenous components. In June 2000 two Z-9EAs (able to carry machine gun pods or rocket launchers) were purchased by Mali AF, marking the first exporting success of Z-9. Two were delivered to Mauritania AF in 2003. The production of Z-9A/B has been superseded by the further improved Z-9EH design (H425). Two were delivered to Laos in June 2007, two more in December 2008. It was reported that Zambia ordered 7, Cambodia ordered 12, Bolivia ordered 6 and Ghana ordered 4. Namibia AF took delivery of at least 2 Z-9EHs in early 2012. The first batch of 4 Z-9EHs were delivered to Zambian AF in June 2012. The first batch of 2 Z-9EHs were delivered to Cambodia in April 2013. The rest of 10 were delivered in August 2013. The first batch of the improved Z-9B entered the service with PLAAF in 2010 (S/N 3x1x54x1x55x1x) with a bigger nose cone housing a weather radar. Some have been modified for SAR purpose similar to Z-9S (Z-9BS?) carrying a FLIR, a search light as well as a hoist.

List of Z-9 Overseas Customers
Mali2Z-9EA, the last one crashed om January 19, 2019.
Namibia2Z-9EH, one crashed in April 2014
Zambia4+3Z-9EH, one crashed in March 2013
Cambodia12Z-9EH, including 4 armed version. One crashed on July 14, 2014.
Bolivia6Z-9EH, delivered in September 2014
Cameroon4Z-9WE, able to fire KD-8 ATGM, one crashed on April 24, 2015
Ghana4Z-9EH, delivered in September 2015
Djibouti1Z-9WE, first seen in April 2024
Equatorial Guinea2Two Z-9WEs were first seen in April 2024.

- Last Updated 4/9/24

 Z-9C/EC Dauphin

Z -9C is a domestic version of AS-565SA Panther imported in the late 80s from France. The helicopter is equipped with an indigenous KLC-1 surface search radar, a Type 605 dipping sonar and can carry up to two Yu-7K torpedoes. The helicopter also features flotation air bags for emergency landing on the water. The helicopter was seen (March 2015) carrying a new low frequency sonar with a design similar to American AN/AQS-22 ALFS. A small beacon antenna is also mounted on the roof of the cabin onboard Z-9C. However no MAD or sonobuoys has been seen carried by the helicopter. Therefore it might need support from a second Z-9C to provide target coordinates before releasing the torpedo. Z-9C (H/JZ9C, S/N 9xx7, 9xx6, H53620xx) can be viewed as a low-cost alternative to complement the heavier and more advanced Ka-28s. Z-9C was co-developed by HAMC and 602 Institute and has been in production since late 2003. Some Z-9C/AS-565SA were converted into SAR role with a search light, an EO turret and a hoist installed. Later in order to conduct anti-piracy patrol mission off the Somali coast, several Z-9Cs (S/N 9xx6, 9xx7) were modified to boost its firepower, with a 12.7mm PC-1A gun pod carried on the starboard side and a 57mm rocket launcher on the port side. As the result, the EO turret (housing TV and FLIR cameras) was relocated to the helicopter roof and an air data sensor was installed. A downgraded training version (Z-9CJ? S/N 9xx0) without the ASW gear was also produced for the naval aviation academy. Pakistani Navy took delivery of 6 Z-9ECs between 2009 and 2010 to support their F-22P frigates. These were upgraded with RWRs on both sides of the nose. Z-9C is expected to be replaced by Z-9F (see below).
- Last Updated 1/10/25

 Z-9D/F Dauphin

A PLAN Z-9D anti-ship helicopter was firing a YJ-9 AShM. Based on Z-9C, Z-9D (H/JZ9D) was developed to carry up to 4 AShMs under a pair of detachable/foldable stub wings against small surface targets. The missile could be the new YJ-9, which may have been evolved from the earlier TL-10B developed by Hongdu. TL-10B is a light, radar-guided anti-ship missile used against smaller FACs and gun boats (<1,000t). Its range is 15km, speed is Mach 0.85 and its warhead weighs 30kg. The helicopter features a new fire-control radar (KLC-3B) with embedded IFF antennas installed in a bigger nose cone and the weapon control officer is seated in the rear cabin. RWR antennas are installed on both sides of the nose and the tail rotor. The helicopter was speculated to provide target coordinates to the surface ship via datalink so that the later could launch YJ-83 AShM for over-the-horizon attack. This anti-ship variant has been seen stationed onboard the new Type 056/056A FFGs. Two prototypes (001 & 002) were built. Currently Z-9Ds are in service with PLAN (S/N 9xx4, 9xx69xx7). Some have been upgraded with an EO turret underneath the fuselage. A recent video (February 2021) indicated that some Z-9Ds started to carry a new two-digit code number. Another recent video (October 2021) suggested that Z-9D was evaluated onboard the Tyoe 075 LHD. A recent image (July 2022) indicated that some Z-9Ds were upgraded with a CPI installed on the tail boom. Another recent image (December 2022) indicated that some Z-9Ds started to carry low visibility insignias as well as "China Navy" characters (S/N H53640xx, H53430xx, H53740xx). Its export version is called Z-9DE. An image released in December 2017 suggested an ASW version of Z-9D (Z-9F, H/JZ9F) has flown, which has a crash position indicator (CPI) installed on the starboard side of its tail boom, a Beidou antenna on top of its cabin, and could carry up t0 two Yu-7K/Yu-X ASW torpedoes under the stub wings. A recent image (March 2021) indicated that the Z-9F ASW helicopter has entered the service with PLAN, carrying a two-digit code number, a new dipping sonar, a glass cockpit with large LED displays, and a new surface search radar (S/N H53630xx, H53730xx). Another image (February 2022) indicated that Z-9F started to carry a low visibility insignia as well as "China Navy" characters. The latest image (April 2024) indicated that Z-9F was evaluated onboard the Type 075 LHD. Z-9F is expected to be on public display at the 2024 Zhuhai Airshow.
- Last Updated 11/12/24

Z-9S Dauphin

At least 8 Z-9S SAR helicopters (H/JZ9S, S/N 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377) have been in service with PLAN. This variant features with a nose mounted EO turret and a search light. It also has a hoist installed on the starboard side. All helicopters were expected to be stationed onboard the aircraft carriers Liaoning and Shandong. A training version of Z-9S has been in service with the Naval Aviation University (Z-9SJ? S/N 84x0x). A recent video (December 2021) indicated that Z-9S was also evaluated onboard the Hainan LHD. The latest image (February 2023) indicated that additional Z-9Ses (H51121xx, H51131xx, H57211xx) are in service with PLAN without the bright red/blue strips and carrying a two-digit code number on its tail fin. Some Z-9Ses were painted with star shaped mission markings on the rear doors.
- Last Updated 2/21/24

Z-9WA/WZ/WE Dauphin

This night-attack version of Z-9W dubbed Z-9WA (K/JZ9WA) was developed in 2000. Similar to French AS565CA Panther, it features more powerful engines and a pair of stub wings which could carry up to 8 KD-8 ATGMs or PL-90AAMs. Its nose was redesigned to carry a low-light TV/IRST turret (YY-1?) for night missions, with RWR antennas installed on both sides. A mast-mounted millimeter wave radar prototype was also tested. Z-9WA has a better armor protection in the cockpit area, a flare launcher, datalink and a redesigned NVG compatible cockpit. An air data sensor is installed on the starboard side of the cabin. A large datalink antenna is installed underneath the boom. An improved version (Z-9WZ) was also developed and it first flew on December 29, 2004. This variant is thought to feature an improved fire-control system including a laser designator which allows the helicopter to fire the new (up to 8) KD-9 ATGM or FN-6 AAM. It is also powered by two WZ-8H turboshaft engines. A few were seen carrying an EO turret under the stab wing for battlefield surveillance purpose. Some were upgraded with a Beidou antenna behind its tail rotor. Later all WAs are believed to have been upgraded to the WZ standard. Z-9WA/WZs have been entering service with the Army Aviation (S/N LH9639xx, 9819xx, 9929xx, 9939xx, 9119xx, 9519xx, 9729xx, 9079xx) since early 2005 as a stop-gap measure until Z-10/Z-19 (see below) enters the service. PLAAF also took delivery of a few Z-9WA/WZs in 2007 (S/N 6x9x, 6x6x, 6x2x, 55x1x). Some of them are equipped with loudspeakers and a search light for SAR purpose. A similar variant (Z-9ZH) is also in service with the PLAAF garrison stationed in Hong Kong (K/JZ9ZH, S/N 620x). Its export version has been designated as Z-9WE. Its engine inlets can be installed with dust filters for desert operations. 4 were delivered to Kenya in 2010, marking the first export success of this variant. 2 more were expected to be delivered to Kenya in 2013. In addition Cameroon ordered 4. All were delivered in 2014.
- Last Updated 4/30/22

Z-10/H/K/A Thunderbolt

A fully loaded Army Aviation Z-10 attack helicopter was preparing for the 2015 VJ Day Parade in Beijing. Co-developed by the 602 Institute, CHAIC and HAIG as the first dedicated modern attack helicopter for PLA Army Aviation since 1998, Z-10 (K/JZ10) is generally believed in the same class as South African Rooviak and Italian A129, yet still not as capable as American AH-64 Apache. The helicopter adopts a standard gunship configuration with a narrow fuselage and stepped tandem cockpit with the gunner in the front seat and the pilot in the backseat. The fuselage appears to have a stealthy diamond shaped cross section to reduce RCS. It also have a 5-blade main rotor made of composite material and an AH-64 style 4-blade tail rotor. All the critical areas of the fuselage including the cockpit and fuel tanks are believed to be protected by the armor plates, including shoulder ceramic armor plates to protect both pilots. It weighs about 5.5 tons and was powered initially by two P&W PT6C-67C turboshaft engines (rated @ 1,250kW each) on the prototypes. However domestic developed engines (upgraded WZ-9) are being used in production batches due to the embargo imposed by the Canadian government. It was speculated that Z-10 could be powered by the new WZ-16 turboshaft engine (~1,500kw) in the future. Its rotor and transmission systems may have been designed with some technical assistance from Eurocopter France and Agusta. Its main weapon are 8 KD-9 or KD-10 laser guided ATGMs in the same class of American AGM-114 Hellfire. A 23mm chain gun (PX-10A) is mounted under the chin, aimed via gunner's helmet mounted display (Type I, Type II). Some Z-10s were also seen carrying a new gun with a reduced weight. Also up to 8 PL-90 AAMs can be carried against enemy helicopters and slow-moving fixed wing aircraft. Its range can be further extended by external fuel tanks. Similar to AH-64, Z-10 features nose mounted PNVS and TADS housing FLIR, TV camera, laser range finder and designator. RWR antennas are installed on both sides of the forward and aft fuselage. In addition, two laser warning receivers (LHRGK003A) was installed on top of the pylon tips. The helicopter may have been fitted with an integrated communication/navigation system, a comprehensive ECM suite, IFF, chaff/flare launchers, 1553B data bus, HOTAS and a glass cockpit. A preliminary concept was developed in 1995 by Russian Kamov OKB as a contractor. The full development started in 1998 at 602. Two prototypes were built in 2003 and six more were built in 2004. The first flight of 02 prototype took place on April 29, 2003. Several Z-10 prototypes powered by PT6C-76C engine were evaluated by the Army in 2007. However the serial production was delayed due to the embargo of PT6C-76C engine imposed by the Canadian government. In 2009 it was reported that an "optimized" version was under development and expected to enter the mass production. This version is powered by the less powerful WZ-9 engines (~1,000kW) thus was forced to have its weight reduced by eliminating certain non-critical parts and structures such as less armor protection, smaller PNVS/TVDS (WXG1006) on the nose similar to that of Z-9WA and a smaller weapon load. After its design certification in October 2010, the first batch of 12 Z-10s entered the service with PLA Army Aviation (S/N LH9921xx) in late 2010. More Z-10s are entering the service with the Army (S/N 9811xx, 9631xx, 9111xx, 9901xx, 9931xx, 9621xx, 9711xx, 9511xx, 9721xx, 9531xx, 9021xx, 9821xx, 9211xx, 9521xx) since late 2011. However some still retain the original PNVS/TVDS installed on the prototypes but are powered by WZ-9 turboshafts. This version (Z-10H S/N 9521xx, 9621xx) also features additional equipment such as a new IFF antenna installed in front of the cockpit. A recent image (September 2016) showed one Z-10 was landing on a PLAN Type 071 LPD in an effort to further expand its mission to amphibious assault. It was first reported in July 2015 that a dedicated Z-10K was under development for PLAAF airborne units and a prototype already flew. It appears to feature a a new 23mm gun. A recent video (January 2016) indicated that Z-10K has entered the service with PLAAF (S/N 6x6x6x2x), wearing a new camouflage. It also carries new 19-tube rocket launchers (70mm) similar to American M261 for a bigger fire power against ground targetsSome have been upgraded with a new IFF antenna on top of its nose, a SATCOM antenna installed on top of the boom for long range communication. It was unveiled in September 2018 that an export version (Z-10ME) has been developed at Changhe with much improved electronics (including new IFF, mast mounted MMW search radar, laser DIRCM turrets on top of stub wings, multiple rectangular shaped laser/UV MAWS/ESM/ECM antennas and PD radar MAWS antennas mounted along the lower fuselage), ceramic armor plate protection, a bigger ammunition magazine in the nose, a new JPX-10D cannon, a new weapons package including CM-502KG ATGM, redesigned engine inlets with particle separators and more powerful engines (WZ-9G? 1,200kw class). So far two prototypes were built. It was reported in February 2020 that Pakistani Army has shown some serious interest in Z-10ME after the Turkish T129 deal was jeopardized. Video released in September 2018 indicated that some Z-10s and Z-10Hs have been further upgraded. The upgrades include external ceramic armor plates outside the forward and back cockpits as well as the engine compartment to provide a better protection against small AAA fire. UV band MAWS sensors were installed on both sides of the nose. The gunner also wears a new HMD. A recent image (February 2020) indicated some have been upgraded to the "full standard" (Z-10A/Z-10HA? S/N 9531xx, 9921xx, 9811xx, 9821xx, 9631xx, 9511xx, 9931xx, 9621xx, 9211xx, 9711xxwith redesigned engine exhausts facing upward similar to those of Z-10ME in order to reduce IR signature, suggesting the engine may have been upgraded (WZ-9G?). KG300G ECM pod can also be carried for enhanced self-protection. A recent video (July 2020) indicated that Z-10 is capable of firing the MMW guided fire-and-forget ATGM (KF-9A?) similar to American AGM-114L, when coordinated by Z-19 equipped with a mast mounted MMW radar (see below). Another recent image (January 2022) indicated that an improved variant of Z-10K was being produced for PLAAF featuring external armor plates mounted at the key areas of the fuselage as well as a round dark fairing (CPI?) on the starboard side of the rear fuselage. The helicopters have been in service with the PLAAF garrison stationed in Hong Kong (S/N 650x) since summer 2022. A recent image (June 2022) suggested that Z-1o started to carry a new long-range IIR/CCD guided ATGM (KF-10?). Consequently a small cylindrical datalink antenna was installed in front of the PNVS. Meanwhile the helicopter could also carry a new type of 70mm guided rocket (FS70A in a 7-tube launcher) with INS corrections to achieve a better accuracy. A recent video (June 2023) suggested that some Z-10s were upgraded with a new SATCOM antenna on the boom for long range communication. Another recent image (January 2024) suggested that Z-10 was being upgraded with Z-10ME style rectangular shaped laser/UV MAWS/ESM/ECM antennas. Another recent video (April 2024) suggested that the army Z-10 was evaluated onboard a Type 075 LHD, together with Z-8G and Z-19. The latest video (September 2024) suggested that Z-10 has been carrying a “laser combat training pod” (?) similar to the one onboard Mi-171E
- Last Updated 2/10/25


Z-11 is a light utility helicopter designed for training and liaison missions which only a limited number were produced. Two batches of Z-11s are in service at the Army Aviation Academy (K/JZ11, S/N LH9083xx, 9063xx), with some wearing an army camouflage. Developed by CHAIC and 602 Institute, Z-11 passed the certification in December 1996 and the first batch were delivered to the Army Aviation in August 1998. Compared to Z-9, it weighs less (2,200kg) and is powered only by a single WZ-8D turboshaft engine (rated @ 510kW) instead of two. Its maximum speed is 278km/h, service ceiling 5,240m, max range 598km, endurance 3.9hr. It appears that Z-11 was actually based on French AS-350BA Ecureuil, 7 of which were in service with the Army Aviation (S/N 9073xx). In October 2015 a new scout version called Z-11WB flew for the first time based on AC311 light utility helicopter. The helicopter features a nose mounted EO turret and external pylons for air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles, rocket launchers and gun pods. It is possible the helicopter might be acquired by the armed police for anti-terrorism purpose. Z-11WB was unveiled at the 2016 Zhuhai Airshow carrying a nose mounted weather radar and a floor mounted machine gun. It was reported in October 2019 that two Z-11WBs were ordered by an undisclosed customer in Africa. A recent video (May 2021) indicated that an unarmed training variant (Z-11A, S/N 9063xx) based on Z-11WB has entered the service with the Army Aviation Academy. A Beidou antenna was mounted on top of the port side of the fuselage. Its export version is called Z-11E.
- Last Updated 8/15/24

Z-19 Black Cyclone

A PLA Army Z-19 is shown here carrying FS-70A 70mm rockets. Z-19 (K/JZ19) is a light scout/attack helicopter based on H425 and developed by HAIG. The helicopter features a narrow fuselage and a tandem cockpit layout similar to those of Z-10 (see above), but with the pilot sitting in the front seat and gunner in the back seat. Both are protected by shoulder ceramic armor plates, crash-resist seats and non-retractable front landing gears. The cockpit is also NVG compatible. It also features Z-9WA style nose mounted RWRs and an EO turret (FLIR, TV and laser range finder). In addition, an MMW phased array radar was seen tested on top of the mast, suggesting Z-19 could have a capability of attacking ground targets in bad weather conditions using the new KD-X ATGM with an MMW seeker. Two types of MMW radar of different shapes have been developed. One was by the 14th Institute and the other by the 607 Institute. Z-19 is thought to retain the same engine (WZ-8C), transmission and rotor systems with minor modifications from H425 which speeds up the development. The helicopter can also carry the air-to-air and air-to-ground weapon package similar to that of Z-9WA under a pair stub wings, including KD-9/KD-10 ATGMs (up to 8), PL-90 AAMs as well as 12.7mm gun pods and rocket launchers. Some specifications: TO weight 4,500kg, empty weight 2,35k0g, max cruising speed 245km/hr, max climb rate 9m/s, range 700km, ceiling (no ground effect) 2,400m, endurance >3hr. Z-19 is expected to support the heavier Z-10 attack helicopter from Changhe in a high-low combination, replacing the earlier Z-9WA. It was reported that Z-19 prototype first flew in July 2010. However one prototype reportedly crashed on September 18, 2010. Currently Z-19 is in production and in service with the Army likely replacing Z-9WA (S/N LH9635xx, 9515xx, 9915xx, 9525xx, 9615xx, 9625xx, 9535xx, 9825xx, 9909xx, 9075xx). Some Z-19s in service with the Army Aviation academy started to wear only a two-digit code number in 2020. Its export version was first unveiled in September 2015 as Z-19E. First flight took place on May 18, 2017. A video released in September 2018 indicated that some Z-19s were further upgraded to its "full standard" (Z-19A?). They now feature MAWS sensors on both sides of the nose and next to the tail rotor, plus LWR at the tip of the stub wings. A few even have ceramic armor plates mounted outside the forward cockpit to provide a better protection to the pilot. A Beidou antenna was mounted in front of the windshield or behind the tail rotor. In February 2017 it was found that a small number of Z-19s upgraded with a mast mounted MMW radar have been in service with PLA Army (S/N LH9535xx, 9915xx) for recon purposes. A recent image (February 2022) suggested that Z-19 started to carry new long-range IIR/CCD/laser guided ATGMs, including KF-9 and KF-10. Consequently a small cylindrical datalink antenna was installed in front of the windshield. A recent video (July 2022) suggested that Z-19 started to carry another new long-range NLOS ATGM (KF-11). It was rumored (October 2023) that a high-speed demonstrator already flew which might have been converted from a Z-19 airframe. It features two additional engines with tractor propellers mounted under the wingtips of stab wings. The compound helicopter resembles Eurocopter Xhigh-speed demonstrator in terms of overall configuration. The latest video (April 2024) suggested that the army Z-19 was evaluated onboard a Type 075 LHD, together with Z-8G and Z-10.
- Last Updated 9/17/24