In recent years, numerous types of UAVs have been developed in China by various universities, research institutes and manufactures. However most of them failed to enter the production or service due to the mediocre designs and overlapping performances. As a result, only a handful modern UAVs with outstanding performance are lucky enough to have entered the service with PLA.- A small VTUAV named AR-500 is believed to have entered the limited service with PLA Army. Its primary mission is battlefield reconnaissance including detecting NBC weapons. The VTUAV was developed by the 602 Institute. Its exact designation within the Army is still unknown. Some specifications; payload 75kg, range 400km, max control distance 150km, max speed 150km/hr.
- The veteran J-6W (W: unmanned) UCAV is still in service by mid-2023. Developed in the late 1990s and first entering the service in the early 2000s, J-6W is a low cost, low technology UCAV converted directly from retired J-6 fighter. Autopilot, GPS/INS and additional communication equipment were installed. It normally carries two 250kg Type 250-3 GP bombs or cluster bombs under its wings for ground attack missions (one-way or round trip, depending on the strength of enemy air defense). It also can serve as a radar decoy to overwhelm enemy SAM defenses. Dozens of J-6Ws have been stationed in the Fujian Province in southeast China facing Taiwan.
JWS-01 Harpy
A JWS-01 UCAV launch vehicles was on display during a UAV conference, each carrying 6 UCAVs. Previously acquired secretly from Israel in 1994, this once highly classified UCAV (Harpy) was unknown to the West until 2004 when they were returned to Israel for upgrade. Developed by IAI in the early 90s, Harpy is the first UCAV which features a passive radar seeker and can be used as a long-range anti-radiation weapon to attack enemy radar stations. Its range is 500km, max speed 185km/hr, warhead 32kg. Several Harpy can operate in a pack for coordinated attack. One Harpy UCAV launch vehicle can carry 18 box launchers. In 2004 Chinese were trying have them upgraded by Israelis but the attempt was discovered and subsequently blocked by the US government. All UCAVs were returned to China without any upgrades. Images from April 2011 suggested that NTU/ASN Group have developed an indigenous version of Harpy (JWS-01 or K/JWF1?) by reverse-engineering which likely started around 2005. Two new types of seeker with slightly different sizes have been identified (Type I & Type II?), suggesting short/long homing frequencies. However the launch vehicle now carries only 9 launchers instead of 18. A recent news (February 2017) suggested that the UCAV has been offered for export as ASN-301, featuring two pairs of retractable direction-finding antenna blades pointing straight above and below the main body. The radar homing seeker has a search range of 25km and a frequency coverage of 2-16GHz.
- Last Updated 5/8/23
BZK-005/005B/D Giant Eagle
A PLAN BZK-005B reconnaissance UAV was landing after returning from a recon mission. BZK-005 was developed by BUAA and Harbin Aviation Industrial Group (HAIG) in early 2000s as a medium/high altitude long range reconnaissance UAV for strategic missions. Its prototype was unveiled briefly in an AVIC promotional video at the 2006 Zhuhai International Airshow. The UAV features a stealth optimized fuselage, a three propeller pusher piston engine, and twin tail booms with V-shaped tailfins. A SATCOM antenna is thought to be installed inside the head bulge, which provides live data transmission over thousands of kilometers. A small turret is installed underneath the nose housing the FLIR/CCD cameras. The UAV also features a large wingspan and is constructed using a large amount of composite materials. They help increase its range and cruising altitude, while reduce its RCS. Its specifications are: cruising speed 150-180km/hr, service ceiling 7,500m, endurance 40hr, max TO weight 1,500kg, max payload 370kg, TO distance <600m, landing distance <500m. Currently BZK-005 is in service with PLAAF (S/N Y-00x) as well as PLAN (BZK-005H/Sea Eagle? S/N HY-xx). Recent satellite images indicated that BZK-005 was deployed on Spratly Islands facing Southeast Asia as well as in Tibet facing India. It has also flown recon missions over the East China Sea close to Japan and Taiwan. A recent image (November 2018) indicated that a UCAV variant has been developed. This variant (BZK-005C) features a pair of underwing pylons and is able to carry up to 300kg of various weapons. Another recent image (March 2020) indicated that an improved variant (Sky Eagle/BZK-005B?) is in service with both PLAAF and PLAN featuring a chin mounted SAR antenna. Consequently the EO/IR turret was relocated to the middle section of the fuselage. The naval BZK-005B (BH?) currently also carries a low visibility insignia, a two-digit code number and "China Navy" characters. A recent image (January 2024) suggested that a new EW variant (BZK-005D?) is in service with PLAN featuring an ELINT pod carried under the fuselage plus multiple blade antennas underneath the nose. BZK-005D was first spotted by JASDF while flying recon missions near Japan in August 2024. It was reported in September 2022 that Thailand purchased the BZK-005 design and was developing its domestic versions including DP-20 UAV and DP-20A UCAV. The latest news (June 2024) indicated that Mauritanian AF has acquired a least 6 BZK-005E export variants.
- Last Updated 8/9/24
A group of PLA Army soldiers were loading a BZK-006A (WZ-6A or K/JWR6A?) tactical reconnaissance UAV onto its launch vehicle. This light-weight medium-range UAV has been evolved from the earlier ASN-206/207 general purpose UAV platform (T-6/T-18) developed in mid-90s by Northwest Polytechnic University (NTU). BZK-006A carries a retractable turret underneath the nose housing the FLIR/CCD cameras for day/night missions. A mushroom shaped communication antenna is installed on top of the head section which provides the real-time datalink between the UAV and the ground command & control station. Each station can control two UAVs at a same time. Some specifications: length 4.3m, height 1.5m, endurance 12hr. BZK-006A is powered by a 4-cylinder piston engine. It uses rocket assisted take off (RATO) and parachute landing. Additional variants were developed for specialized missions such as artillery directing (JWP02), communication jamming (RKT164, RKT167), communication relay (TKJ226), radar decoy (RKL167), radar jamming (RKZ167, carrying KG100 SIGINT pods underneath the wings). A recent video (February 2021) suggested that an improved variant called KVD001 has been in service with the Army, wearing low-visibility insignias on top of the wings. A recent image (April 2022) indicated the UAV is also in service with PLAN.
- Last Updated 1/1/25
BZK-007 Sunshine
BZK-007 medium altitude/long endurance (MALE) UAV was co-developed by GAIC and BUAA in the early 2000s and was unveiled briefly at the 2006 Zhihai Airshow. It first flew on August 8, 2005 as a civilian remote sensor system (Harrier Hawk). Currently the UAV has also been in service with PLA Army as a tactical reconnaissance UAV (designation BZK-007, S/N 0x0x). It can carry a variety of equipment including FLIR, CCD TV camera, as well as remote sensors of different spectral bands. Most EO/IR sensors are located inside a turret underneath the fuselage right behind the wing section. A SATCOM antenna inside a large dorsal bulge provides real-time transmission of data and commands between the UAV and the ground control station. BZK-007 UAV is powered by a piston engine with a 3-blade propeller and is able to take off/land autonomously with retractable or non-retractable landing gears. Some specifications: length 7.7m, height 2.74m, wingspan 14.6m,max TO weight 700kg, mission payload 60-100kg, max level speed 230km/hr, ceiling 7,500m, endurance 16 hr. A recent image (March 2022) released by JASDF indicated that one PLAN (?) BZK-007 was flying recon missions over the East China Sea. It also started to fly recon missions over the Taiwan Strait in September 2022.
- Last Updated 11/6/22
Photos taken during the 2015 VJ Day Parade in Beijing showed a new small artillery directing UAV (BZK-008) which first entered the service with PLA Army in 2011. Developed by CASC, the UAV carries a retractable EO/IR turret containing FLIR and CCD camera for both day and night missions. It also contains a laser range finder as well. BZK-008 is light-weight and can be deployed quickly on the battlefield using RATO and parachute landing. Due to its short range (~100km), the intelligence gathered is transmitted directly back to the ground station. A similar variant of BZK-008 is CH-91 which features redesigned wings with winglets to reduce drag. It can also carry an SAR in a cylindrical fairing in place of the EO/IR turret.
- Last updated 9/20/24
This high speed/high altitude reconnaissance UAV was co-developed by NUAA for rapid artillery directing, especially for the long range MRLS (~300km). The UAV features short straight wings and an X shaped tail. It is powered by a small turbojet with the S-shaped air intake located above the rear fuselage and between the V tail. This helps to improve its stealth capability and survivability on the battlefield. Based upon customer's request, FX850 can have the options of SAR and SATCOM installed in its head and nose, datalink antenna on its back, as well as EO/IR turret underneath its head. FX850 is normally transported and launched from the launch vehicle using RATO, making it more flexible and versatile on the battlefield. Some specifications: TO weight 850kg, speed 800km/hr, ceiling 9,000m, loitering time: 2 hr. FX850 was publicly displayed at the military parade celebrating PRC's 70th anniversary on October 1, 2019, indicating it has entered the service with PLA Army. A smaller variant called FX500 (TO weight 500kg) was also developed with NORINCO which is available for export. FX500 is believed to be in service with the Army as well.
- Last Updated 11/29/22
KVB001B (T-6B) is a small reconnaissance UAV developed by ASN UAV Technology Group (ASN-206G?). It was first seen in service with the Army in 2018 as an artillery directing UAV. Up to two KVB001Bs can be stored and transported by a single MV3 launch vehicle. It also utilizes rocket assisted take off (RATO) and parachute landing. KVB001B features a retractable EO/IR turret underneath the forward fuselage and a small datalink antenna on the top. It may also carry a small SAR in place of the EO/IR turret for ground surveillance under all weather conditions. A Communication jamming variant (KVB001D or KVB001G?) was first publicly displayed at the military parade celebrating PRC's 70th anniversary on October 1, 2019. It features multiple blade antennas which likely provide jamming to enemy communications. - Last updated 2/10/25
A recent video (March 2022) indicated a small UCAV (T-20/KVB802A) is in service with the Army, armed with two KD-9 laser guided ATGMs. The UAV/UCAV is likely to have been developed by ASN UAV Technology Group (ASN-220?). Besides ATGMs, it may also carry PL-90 AAMs against slow moving aerial targets such as UAVs or helicopters. T-20 mainly flies recon and artillery directing missions with a communication antenna mounted on top of the forward fuselage. The UAV features a swept wing design and is powered by a piston engine with a four-blade propeller. It also appears to carry a tiger head tail art. Usually T-20 is carried by a launch vehicle and utilizes rocket assisted take off (RATO) and parachute landing, which boosts it flexibility and survivability on the battlefield. Some specifications: MTOW 900kg, payload 150kg, endurance 20h, ceiling 8,000m. - Last updated 2/10/25